GOTS Combo 70 Globe promo. It is a surf promo offer
valid for 7 days. This Globe Telecom promo is still available. It's a
great choice to stay online the whole week with 1 GB internet data. To
register, check status, stop, or extend this promo just follow the
instructions below.
- 1 GB internet data
- Unlimited text to all network
- 70 pesos
- 7 days
To register or subscribe to 70 pesos Globe promo, make sure to have enough balance. There are several things we need to keep in mind before subscribing to this promo. First is that this is not unlimited internet. There's no such thing as unlimited. Oo, walang forever. Everything will come to an end. And giving you this information is helpful to set expectations before subscribing to this type of promo.
Type GOTSCOMBODD70 and send to 8080When we say bulk internet, it means that the mobile data allocation is set to a limit. With this type of data, the internet is consumable. Consumable internet data means you have 1 GB allowance which you can use in part or in whole within the 1 week time frame. The mobile data allocation will not refresh daily. When subscribed to this promo, you'll only get a total of 1 GB, not 1GB per day times seven days.
GOTS Combo 70 Globe promo is valid for 1 week. This promo has unlimited text to all networks. Any subscriber can send an SMS to any network. The expiration of the unlimited allnet text is the same as the mobile data expiration. If in case the 1 GB allocation has been consumed before the 7 days validity period, the unli text is not affected.
Check Status
GOTSCOMBODD70 status of this GoSakto promo. There are several ways to check the status of this promo. One is via USSD code and the other is via the GoSakto mobile app. The subscriber can also send an SMS in order to check the status of the said promo.
Type GOSAKTO <space> STATUS and send to 8080GOTSCOMBODD70 doesn't include free Facebook with photos. There are two types of Facebook access. The first one is free FB with photos and the other one is free FB without photos. The one without photos, we can access it even without load balance. To save data, just make sure to use the mobile version of the website. Everytime you visit a website, it's better to request for its mobile version. Mobile sites are optimized for faster performance and lesser data consumption.
GOTS Combo 70 Globe Promo
FREE Facebook? Wala pong free Facebook (with photos) na kasama sa promo na ito.
Pwede sa TM? Dahil ito ay GoSakto promo, HINDI available sa TM.
1 GB araw-araw? Ang consumable internet ay hindi nag rerefresh daily. 1 GB sa loob ng isang linggo at HINDI 1 GB araw araw x 7 days.
Enjoy more while spending less with this awesome surf and text promo from Globe. Please be advised that since this is a GoSakto promo, only Globe subscribers can register. This is NOT AVAILABLE FOR TM subscribers even though both are owned by the same telecommunications company.
Stop Promo
There's no way you can do this on your own. Well, at least for now. Any subscriber who wishes to stop or end the promo subscription can only do so by contacting the customer support. Whether you still have data allowance or you've consumed even the last kilobyte, there's still a way to stop the promo. Contact the Globe Telecom customer support via Facebook. Visit their Facebook fan page and initiate a chat.
1. Login to FacebookThe GoSakto STOP keyword is not working. We don't know if it's going to be permanent or temporary. To stop the promo, we need to wait until a customer representative responds to our concern. Please follow the tips below in order to end your GoSakto subscription. But do you really need to stop the promo even if it's not yet going to expire? You can add any GoSakto package on top of your existing subscription.
2. Visit Globe Telecoms official fan page
3. Send a message saying that you want to unsubscribe your existing GOTSCOMBODD70 promo